Fertility Acupuncture FAQ
These are some frequently asked questions about our fertility/infertility acupuncture and pregnancy treatments.
What is the aim of the treatments?
How can acupuncture and herbal medicine assist with your infertility?
– Increases blood flow to the uterus to increase the endometrial lining
– Relaxes the patient and decreases stress
– Prevents the uterus from contracting
– Lessens the side effects of drugs used in IVF
– Strengthens the immune system
– Improves semen to create better quality and quantity of embryos
– Decreases the chances of miscarriage
– Improves the functions of the ovaries which in turn can produce better quality eggs
How do we improve your fertility?
We work on improving the symptoms that appear during your menses, for example menses pain, PMT, bloating, headaches etc.
Treatment could regularize your cycle and improves blood flow to the uterus.
Our treatments may increase the amount of fertile mucus during the ovulation phase in order to promote pregnancy.
We check your diet and lifestyle patterns we can advise on a suitable diet.
All the above objectives may assist to improve your chances of falling pregnant.
How often should you have treatment?
One treatment should be carried out during ovulation to improve the chances of conception/implantation. Chinese Herbs are part of the treatment and are taken daily at home.
We understand the necessity to work with Modern Medicine and the IVF clinics. We are firm believers of the complementary characteristics of western and eastern medicine.
We work together with a fertility clinic in Bondi Junction and will suggest the appropriate tests (blood test or sperm analysis) which helps us to recommend to you the most suitable treatment for you both as a couple.
If you do choose to use the IVF and assisted reproductive therapy (ART) acupuncture works well in tandem with ART to increase the chances of a successful outcome.
Current research indicates a 50% or more success rate when acupuncture is administered at the time of egg transfer.
What happens when I am pregnant?