Infertility Acupuncture
Improve Your Chances of Conceiving with Fertility Acupuncture
Have you struggled with fertility or your IVF treatments? Eastern Therapies offers infertility acupuncture at our clinic (conveniently located in Bondi Junction) to those looking to improve their chances of conceiving.
Fertility acupuncture promotes consistency in the menstrual cycle by facilitating routine ovulation, contributing to a stable 28-35-day menstrual period accompanied by a wholesome bleeding phase. Within the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine, one’s menstrual cycle serves as a monthly evaluative measure, signifying the holistic status of hormonal health and fertility.
The traditional medicine practitioners and acupuncturists at Eastern Therapies have a strong interest in women’s health and all stages of pregnancy. Our infertility acupuncture involves improving physical and emotional health, as well as stabilising and regulating the menstrual cycle.
Acupuncture aids in harmonising hormones through stabilising the body’s internal equilibrium by modulating the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis & Hypothalamic Pituitary Ovarian (HPO) Axis, subsequently enhancing the cycle and related symptoms.
Employing particular acupuncture points to stimulate blood circulation to the ovaries and uterus, Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis is utilised during consultations to rectify potential disharmonies that might be inducing hormonal symptoms.
Infertility acupuncture has been shown to:
- Regulate the menstrual cycle
- Reduce stress and anxiety associated with infertility
- Balance the hormone and endocrine systems
- Improve blood flow to the uterus
When should you get acupuncture for fertility?
A minimum of three months of preconception care is advised and optimal for women, and also for men if involved in a heterosexual relationship, prior to embarking on conception plans. The maturation of ovarian eggs, known as follicular-genesis, unfolds over roughly a three-month period in preparation for ovulation, while spermatogenesis, or the creation of sperm, in men spans approximately 74-120 days.
Consequently, it’s vital to allocate at least three months for preconception readiness before purposefully attempting to conceive, as well as making essential adjustments to diet, supplementation, and lifestyle to enhance overall health and fortify every phase of reproduction.
At Eastern Therapies in Bondi Junction, our professionals will navigate you through this phase with education on menstrual cycles and fertility awareness methods.
About our fertility acupuncture in Bondi Junction
Our holistic approach to infertility acupuncture at our Bondi Junction clinic means we take the complete picture into consideration. Acupuncture sessions can help to promote a positive and relaxed state of mind, lowering stress. This session is recommended just prior to the collection of the sperm (if undergoing IVF).
Our infertility acupuncture treatment packages include:
- IVF Support Program: This involves an initial consultation and a total of 6-12 sessions. This package is designed to provide acupuncture session at the most critical times of IVF and related techniques. Also to assist patients with blood circulation, improve thickness of endometrium, de-stress, reduce side effects of the hormones. Once a week starting one month prior to the start of the cycle. Twice a week starting during the IVF cycle.
- Pre-Embryo Transfer Program and Post-Embryo Transfer Program: This involves two sessions and is shown to significantly improve pregnancy rates.
- Post-Harvest Program: This involves only one session, typically scheduled the day after harvesting to decrease anxiety, bloating and normalise the tissues.
- Female Fertility Program: This supports women who want to conceive naturally, involving an initial consultation and a further 12 sessions. These sessions are given over a period of three months and include advice for optimising nutrition and lifestyle for conception. It is recommended that this package is used prior to assisted conception/IVF.
- Male Fertility Program: This involves an initial consultation and 10-12 sessions of acupuncture. Herbal medicine can also be provided for a period of three months. It is recommended that the program is started at least three months before trying to conceive. This program is customisable, depending on whether the patient wishes to improve sperm count, morphology, or motility.
- Male Sperm Collection Program: This involves one to two sessions prior to sperm collection to improve motility prior to collection.
- Fertility support treatments: IUI – support with acupuncture weekly sessions during IUI stimulation cycle; Ovulation Tracking – first 3 cycles weekly sessions; Post Laproscopy –first 3 months weekly treatments; PCOS – regulate the cycle; Amenorrhea – have worked successfully with patients with amenorrhea post contraception to establish a cycle.
The 6-month process for endometriosis patients (severe or stage 4 or with a lot of pain outside of the menstrual cycle etc). I recommend patients see me for 2 menstrual cycles weekly.
Session 1x per week (8 sessions in 8 weeks) then
- Session every 2 weeks – (4 sessions in 8 weeks) then
- Session every 3 weeks – (3 sessions in 8 weeks)
- Total cost $2588* (factor in your private health fund rebates) *includes the cost of herbal medicine
- Recommended maintenance – Once a month for maintenance session to assist with the outcome of the laproscopy, keep circulating the blood and reduce inflammation and pain.
- Fertility treatment for patients with endometriosis is similar except I treat once per week for 12 weeks. Then once per fortnight.The 3-month treatment process for endometriosis patients with mild symptoms.
- Session 1x per week (4 sessions in 4 weeks) then
- Session every 3 wks (3 sessions in 8 weeks)then
- Maintenance if necessary
- Total cost $1169* ( factor in your private health fund rebates)*includes the cost of herbal medicine
- *These recommendations are general and treatment frequency may be changed upon information gathered at the time of consultation
- *The charges are approximate calculations
IVF acupuncture at our Bondi Junction clinic
Our IVF acupuncture is carried out in association with Monash IVF in Bondi Junction, which allows us to accurately track your ovulation time for the best results. Our IVF acupuncture in Bondi can increase responsiveness to fertility medication. This is done by relaxing and calming you during treatment, improving blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, and helping to minimise the side effects of drugs.
Treatments vary from person to person, with our team taking into consideration your age, number of failed IVF cycles, hormonal balance, ovarian reserve, number of years trying to conceive and general state of your health. For personalised information, please feel free to reach out to Eastern Therapies or book an appointment.
How often should I have treatment?
Infertility acupuncture treatments may vary from person to person. Deciding factors are age, number of failed IVF cycles, hormonal balance, ovarian reserve, number of years trying to conceive and general state of your health. Please refer to our different programs.
For natural conception, we advise once a week session for a minimum period of 3 cycles.
For IVF conception we work within our IVF programs. More information regarding how infertility acupuncture can help to conceive, as well as support you during pregnancy, please refer to our Fertility/Infertility and Pregnancy Acupuncture FAQ page.