Special offer for our clients and their friends: Save $98
You probably have a friend who would like to quit smoking or you may be trying to quit yourself!
To celebrate our new service ‘Quit With Laser’, we are offering our clients or their friends a 20% discount on the cost of our service.
‘Quit with Laser’ is an exciting new option for those wanting to quit smoking with a proven track record of success.
Benefits include:
- Quick results: only 3 half hour sessions and you will see results
- Great success rates
- Helps to cleanse and detoxify your body
As an added bonus, all treatments also qualify for health fund rebates.
So whether it’s supporting a new year’s resolution or succeeding where you or a friend have previously failed, ‘Quit with Laser’ could be the answer to quit smoking permanently.
Visit our website QuitwithLaser.com.au or call 1300 784 052 for more information.
Email us at help@quitwithlaser.com.au
Offer valid until the 14th January, 2015