I am impressed with Dale Bredesen’s book The End of Alzheimer’s. Everything I have learnt about health is in this book. Recently I have witnessed the cognitive decline of my mother who suffered a stroke last year. I now have an interest in this subject matter in order to assist her. My interest in treating her has moved me to studies in neuroacupuncture and scalp acupuncture.

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most formidable global health challenges of our time. As our population ages, it threatens to become a worldwide epidemic of unprecedented proportions. To grasp the severity of this issue, consider the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed the lives of over one million Americans. In stark contrast, nearly 50 million currently living Americans are projected to die from Alzheimer’s disease unless effective prevention and reversal strategies are implemented. Conventional medicine posits that Alzheimer’s cannot be prevented, is untreatable, and progresses relentlessly, with most patients surviving only three to eleven years post-diagnosis. However, the collaborative efforts of Dr. Dale Bredesen and Apollo Health are set to challenge this narrative.

Professor Dale Bredesen, a leading authority on neurodegenerative diseases, revolutionized the field in 2014 with his groundbreaking publication, “Reversal of Cognitive Decline: A Novel Therapeutic Program.” This peer-reviewed study introduced a multi-step precision medicine approach that successfully reversed cognitive decline in nine out of ten patients. Continuing his pioneering work, Dr. Bredesen published “Reversal of Cognitive Decline: 100 Patients,” detailing a hundred case studies of documented improvements, fundamentally altering our understanding and treatment of cognitive decline. In 2022, he conducted a successful clinical trial, published under the title “Precision Medicine Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease: Successful Pilot Project.” This study, the first of its kind, evaluated each patient for potential contributors to cognitive decline and targeted these with a personalized, precision medicine approach, offering a new beacon of hope for clinicians and patients globally.

The Bredesen Protocol is the culmination of over three decades of Dr. Bredesen’s laboratory research, resulting in hundreds of peer-reviewed publications elucidating the biochemical mechanisms underlying memory erosion associated with Alzheimer’s disease. This protocol, available through PreCODE (for prevention) and ReCODE (for reversal), has paved the way for innovative approaches to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Bredesen’s extensive research has revealed that Alzheimer’s stems from an imbalance in the brain’s neuroplasticity signaling. As we age, cumulative assaults from various factors outpace the brain’s repair mechanisms, leading to cognitive decline. Dr. Bredesen aims to optimize brain health by modifying biochemistry to create favorable conditions for cognitive function. He has identified over 36 factors—including metabolic disturbances, nutrient deficiencies, lack of trophic support, and viral exposures—that can trigger brain “downsizing.” The Bredesen Protocol addresses these factors to prevent cognitive decline and reverse the effects of subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and early Alzheimer’s disease.

If you have interest in his work please visit his website. https://www.apollohealthco.com/alzheimers-reversal/

According to an article on Science Direct, research on acupuncture in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) indicates that acupuncture can enhance certain cognitive functions. This improvement is achieved through several mechanisms: enhancing cholinergic neurotransmission, promoting the release of trophic factors, protecting cerebral neurons from apoptosis and oxidative stress, improving synaptic plasticity, and reducing levels of abnormal proteins such as amyloid-beta (Aβ). Although the clinical studies conducted so far have involved a small number of participants, and some lacked normal control groups, they represent pioneering efforts in this field.


Dr Houng has completed some preliminary studies with Dr Bredesen and in the coming months will be completing his fully accredited course in order to support people with early onset Alzheimer’s.