Lactogenic Foods

Lactogenic Foods

Lactogenic Foods are foods that can help to increase breast milk production Asparagus, Green beans, Carrots (especially carrot seeds), Yam, Watercress, Sweet potatoes, Dandelion greens, Peas, Beet, and all other  green leafy vegetables Parsley, fennel, fenugreek, and...
Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) affects the retina. The retina is situated at the back of the eye. The tissue there deals with light sensitivity.   Vision loss is caused by RP making the cells in the retina break down.   RP is a genetic disease that people are...
Beans, Hazelnuts with Orange Zest Salad

Beans, Hazelnuts with Orange Zest Salad

I adapted this recipe to spring vegetables. I added snow peas, peas, baby spinach and asparagus to the beans. No need to use hazelnut oils. Just use olive oil, which is fine. There is no need to roast the hazelnuts either. Just buy the hazelnuts already roasted. This...
Persian Love Cake

Persian Love Cake

My 6 year old niece made this cake. I supervised and we spent the morning together doing this. It took no time! I reduce the salt and sugar by 50 pct and that works better.             Try making this with your little ones and show me your photos!! Have...
Poached Chicken Soup Part 2

Poached Chicken Soup Part 2

The parsley pistou is the BEST!!!!! Here is the recipe!   I added poach chicken using the recipe from last blog to make this delish soup!
Poached Chicken Soup Part 1

Poached Chicken Soup Part 1

I am a huge fan of chicken soup in the myriad of ways that you can cook it . This soup is so clean and delicious!   You can add noodles, soba, somen, orzo, risoni etc.   It is great for nourishing the blood , post partum or when you are tired or during ,...