Ear Acupuncture
Did you know we use ear acupuncture in the clinic for many conditions? Here are some essential points that can assist with stress, addictions and hormonal imbalances. Shen Men is an essential and influential point in assisting people in relaxing by treating...
Chemicals, pregnancy and fertility
Are you trying to fall pregnant or do you have small children? This article is a very important read. Not only do the foods we eat impact our health but the chemicals found in cosmetics, perfumes, artificial air fresheners and cleaning products. Start checking your...
Our kids acupuncture treatments
Non-invasive treatments Here at Eastern Therapies we use a special technique called Shonishin to treat any babies and toddlers that walk through our door. It is a gentle technique that involves using special tools to massage the meridians to treat any disharmonies....
Introducing John for sports acupuncture and treatment for tight calves
Treating tight calves with acupuncture