More wonderful birth story from patients who had pre labour preparation with acupuncture

“Hi Houng. Yes, went into labour last Tuesday the 07/02. I was in labour for 12 hours and had a waterbirth. Our little boy was born at 1:38pm weighing 3.055kg x ”


” Hi Huong, Thanks so much for your email. It was timely, as I had been thinking of making an appointment to see you. The birth of my bub went smoothly despite the issues with blood pressure in the lead up. However, I have been dealing with quite a bit of pain and stress due to breastfeeding in the weeks after birth, along with all the hormonal changes that come postpartum. I’m keen to know if you are able to help alleviate some of these symptoms, and have made an appointment to come see you tomorrow. ​​​​​​​​
I am so grateful for the support you and the team gave during my pregnancy. I had so much relief from the nausea and other symptoms thanks to the acupuncture, and if I decide to have another baby will definitely want to return for acupuncture! I’ve attached a photo of baby, my little boy born healthy and safe on 20 October (amidst all the newness of parenting I forgot to send you a pic). ​​​​​​​​
See you tomorrow!” ​​​​​​​​