As a form of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has existed for thousands of years, and its popularity continues to grow around the world. Though many people still view acupuncture as an ancient and mysterious healing technique, evidence is emerging that under certain circumstances and for some people, it can be of help in modern times too.
Stress is a common issue for many people in this day and age. Increased demands at work or home, financial worries, health problems – all of these factors can affect an individual’s wellbeing and lead to significant levels of anxiety. Often, these stressors become so severe that they lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches or muscle tension. Fortunately, there are various treatments that may be used to help manage these issues, including acupuncture.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture works by stimulating certain points on the body known as ‘acupoints’. These points are believed to lie along ‘meridians’ – channels through which the life force known in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as ‘Qi’ flows throughout the body. When needles are inserted into these points, it is thought that this energy flow is stimulated and balanced out.
What about in terms of the physical body?
On a physical level, acupuncture can trigger physiological responses such as the release of endorphins which may help reduce pain and improve mood. In addition, research suggests that acupuncture stimulation may also affect areas of the brain associated with emotion regulation and processing environmental stimuli – providing further evidence for its potential to support reduction in stress levels over time.
Get in touch to book a session
At Eastern Therapies, we offer a range of targeted acupuncture services for stress, back pain, tinnitus, and more. Whether you would like assistance managing your levels of stress or you’re seeking help for something else, reach out using the button below to make an appointment or book a consultation.