The February Full Moon fell on the 8th or 9th, and it rests in the sign of Leo, with its energy it comes to tend to the fire that lives within our hearts. It comes to clear away all that dims our light and separates us from feeling connected to our journey.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, so whenever we have a Full Moon in the sign of the Sun, it’s extra special. It is like a ray of light shining down on all that feels dark and heavy in our lives. Leo is a fire sign that reminds us to connect with all that lights us up. It reminds us to connect with our inner fire, with our inner Sun, and to remember that life is for experiencing rather than controlling.
What sets your soul on fire? What fans your inner flame? What brings you a sense of purpose as you move through the experiences of life?
These are some of the questions the February Full Moon poses for us. It wants us to connect with these questions so we can work on clearing away all separates us from feeling present and at peace with our lives.
There is something strengthening, motivating, and restorative about this Full Moon too, not just because it falls in the sign of Leo, the lion, but also because it forms a harmonious alignment with the planet of motivation, Mars.
Mars will be like a motivational speaker at our side, helping to inspire us to push past any fears that are holding us back or keeping our inner light small.
Allow a little space for this Full Moon to start moving and shifting things out of your body, out of your mind, out of your heart, and out of your life.
Full Moons are always portals for releasing, and this Full Moon will give you the dose of self-belief and self-confidence that you need.
For aura cleansing (recite 3 times):
“Under the power of Mother Moon, I cleanse and release all that weighs heavy on my heart. I release my pains of the past. I let go of all that troubles me, crushes me, and keeps me playing small. I let it all go so I may rise tall. I feel lighter now; my heart is free. I am cleansed. I am free to be me.”
By Ross, the Massage Therapist
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